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Papuan Dive School

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Papuan Dive School

Tourism is growing fast in Raja Ampat, so is the need for local dive guides. More and more tourism operators are looking to employ Papuans to encourage the local economy but so far, only few people have the appropriate dive training.

Since the creation of Papua Explorers, the Eco-resort and its foundation have set as a priority to train and employ local people, starting by the surrounding villages. So far, x people received dive training and x% of our dive and boat crew are Papuans. They are directly involved in the SEA Centre’s conservation and education activities, building ownership for the conservation of Raja Ampat. In addition, the SEA Centre offers twice a week English training to Papua Explorers staff to support them in building their carrier.

This year, the SEA Centre will take a step forward by launching a full time 6 months internship for Papuans that will teach them not only how to become a professional and responsible dive guide, but also an experienced conservationist. The students will learn how to build and maintain artificial reef, monitor coral reefs and marine biodiversity, and raise awareness about marine environment. The training will include theory and naturalist lessons as well as an extensive practical and field training.

We will support them in finding a job by using our network of resorts, liveaboards and homestays. Our objective is not only to provide them with local dive guide, but with autonomous conservationists that will spread good practices and raise awareness for the sustainable development of Raja Ampat.


Supporting sustainable development by building a local workforce that own and protect their heritage, the wonderful nature of Raja Ampat. 

Dive Training

We aim to train professional and reliable dive guides through

  • From Open Water to Rescue
  • Internship in our 5 star PADI Dive Centre

Environmental Training

  • Ecology and naturalist courses
  • Practical training in SEA Centre programmes like coral reef rehabilitation and monitoring, megafauna monitoring, mantaray research, community development)
  • Building conservationists

English Class

  • English class and communication training
  • Practice with our visitors
  • Building communication skills and confi

With 300$ you can contribute to one month of full-time training for a Papuan student to become a professional conservation dive guide. You will receive monthly news about the training and the evolution of our trainees’ team. If you want to support a student for its whole training, please select the 6 months option and you will receive a personalised letter from your student along with the final certificate.

Make a difference, changing one life at a time.

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